Sanghar (Web desk): In District Sanghar, Sindh, Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) has discovered gas and condensate as a consequence of its exploratory work at Shahpur Chakar North X-1 Well. This well was drilled in Gambat South Block 2568-18. According to a stock filing, PPL is the joint venture partner with Government Holdings Private Limited (GHPL) and Asia Resources Oil Limited (AROL) and is the operator of the Gambat South Block with a working interest of 65 percent and 25 percent, respectively.
In order to assess the Massive Sand of Lower Goru Formation’s hydrocarbon potential, the well was drilled to a depth of 3,560 metres. Potential hydrocarbon-bearing zones were found inside the target reservoirs based on the wire line records.
Initial testing produced gas flow rates of approximately 15.2 MMSCFD, a wellhead flow pressure (WHFP) of 3,061 psig, and condensate flow rates of around 321 BPD at a choke size of 32/64 inches (pre-acid).
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