We provide first-year estimate exam papers including FSC, ICS, ICOM, FA, etc. If a student is studying a different course and there is no guess test paper for this course on our portal, he or she can comment below. Our team will ensure that they upload their most accurate and relevant guess paper. Estimatepaper 2022 First Year English, Guest Paper Middle Part 1 English, Guest Paper 2022 First Year Chemistry, Guest Paper 2022 First Year Art, Guest Paper 2023 First Year Karachi Board, Guest Paper 2022 First Year Business, Guest Paper 11 in 2022, Guess 2nd year of Paper in 2022.

English is an important subject, and students from all over the world have read this subject with great interest. It is a language spoken in many countries of the world. You can get the latest updates about each page online from this page. 11th Class English Nice Paper 2022 Punjab Board On this page, we will share with you a complete review of Level 11 of English for 2023, which applies to all the Boards of Directors of Pakistan. So, all students in Pakistan should take advantage of these estimated subjects and get scores from 80% to 90% before going to the next class. If you are an Interpart 1 student, they need to visit this page regularly as we will update all abusive papers on this page online for free.


  • What was written on the card given by Mr. Steward?
  • What arguments did Norma give her husband to accept the offer?
  • What is the importance of Arthur’s life insurance policy?


  • Where did the old man take his son?
  • Why did the old man set up his own secret garden?
  • Why did the old man take the standing path?


  • Why did Harry want to go back to earth?
  • How dangerous can the Mars virus be?
  • What did Harry feel when he landed on Mars?


  • How did the boy look physically?
  • What was the woman’s reaction?
  • What happened to the boy when he tried to snatch the woman’s purse?


  • Why did Munna accuse Heubert of taking a lost pocket book?
  • Why did George give his employer a pocket book?
  • What was written on Mr. Heubert’s grave?


  • What arrangements were made for the opening ceremony?
  • How did Giorgio get his wish?
  • What were the feelings of Gorgios the inauguration of the office of Court Acrobat?


  • What was the condition of the parents when the doctor arrived?
  • Why did the doctor call the sick girl by her first name?
  • Why did the parents scold the child?


  • Why did the slave cry and tremble?
  • Why did the judge order the boy to shed blood?
  • What advice did Noshirwan give to his people?


  • Did Kayak do to the old woman?
  • What punishment was given to laughter from villagers?
  • Why did the laughter come back to the camels?


  • What was the condition of the trees?
  • Why did the farmers produce heaps of wood and grass in the field?
  • What was the wish of every farmer in a mild locust heart attack?


  • What are the characteristics of “creative suffering veteran”?
  • What should be the quality of a person’s decision?
  • What changes will the independence state bring to Mississippi, as luther dreamt of?


Why did he sell his hair?

Why did Jim sell the gold watch?

Who were the majusis?


  • How much did the clerics collect every Eid? And what did they say to their followers on this occasion?
  • Who is Chaudhry Fatehdad?
  • Describe the form of Maulvi Abul.


  • Why did the driver of the truck run away at high speed after the accident?
  • What was the condition of the young man when he was taken to the hospital?
  • What was the sign of the young man’s coat in the lessons, ‘Overcoat’?


  • What does the author like about Christmas?
  • Why are noble deeds always a great joy for the author?
  • At what point of the journey did the author hear the sound of a bird’s beat in his dream?
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Last Update: April 16, 2023