posted a very helpful & informative learning article for students of 11th class which is “11th Class Chemistry Guess Paper 2023 | 1st Year Chemistry Important Questions”. Students doing FSc & studying in 1st year face big difficulty while preparation of Chemistry short & Long questions. brings you the easiest way to prepare 11th Chemistry from which students can save their time and will able to prepare 11th Chemistry very fast.
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- Numerical Questions: Question number 12, 18, 20, 21, 22. Example number 10, II, 12, 13, 14.
- Short Questions: Question number 9, 10, 25 from exercise. Relation between M.F and E.F. Molar volume examples. Stoichiometry its assumptions. Identification of limiting reactant. Actual yield is always lesser than theoretical yield.
- Short Questions: Sublimation Examples, Either extraction. Partition law. Mobile phase and stationary phase. Cl (partition and adsorption). Rf value. Application of chromatography. Exercise Question 8
- Long Questions: Dalton’s law and its application SI unit. General gas equation. Value of R in SI units.
- Short Questions: Isotherm. Absolute zero. Unit of R in STP. Joule Thomson effect, Plasma formation.
- Long Questions: Factors affecting London forces, Hydrogen bonding. Liquid crystals and their classification.
- Short Questions: Solid exercise Question number 12. Differentiate b inter and intramolecular forces.
- Long Questions: Millikan’s oil drop method, properties and discovery of cathode rays and neutrons. Derivation of radius. Defects of Bohr atomic model. Azimuthal and magnetic quantum number.
- Short Questions: Question number 4 from exercise. Heisenberg uncertainty principal. Spectrum a its types.
- Long Questions: Ionization energy, VSEPR theory, Hybridization, Molecular orbital theory (structure of oxygen and nitrogen)
- Short Questions: Trends of atomic sizes electron affinity, electronegativity, Question 18 from exercise, Lone pair occupies more space, Structure of BF3, SnCl2,S03, Effect of electronegativity on bond energy and bond length.
- Long Questions: Hess’s law and Born hater cycle. Glass and Bomb Calorimeter, Prove all=q(p) and AE=q(v)
- Short Questions: Question number 4,5,10 from exercise, Define lattice energy.
- Long Questions: Example – 2, 4 Exercise 20, 21, 22
- Short Questions: Question number 8,10,11 (a,b), from exercise, Common ion effect with example, buffer (types, action and its capacity).
- Long Questions: Rolt’s law, Solubility and solubility curve, Measurement of elevation of boiling point & depression of the freezing point.
- Short Questions: Question number 4,5(a), 12 from exercise
- Long Questions: Electrolytic cell and Importance of electrolytic cell, Galvanic cell and function of salt bridge, SHE and measurement, Applications of electrochemical series
- Short Questions: Question number 4 (c, d), 8,12,16 from exercise
- Long Questions: Order of reactions and finding the order of reactions. Arrhenius equation. Energy of Activation.
- Short Questions: Question number 7,8
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