If children do not talk stubbornly, mischievously, tease and sweet talk and do not get involved with adults and do not cry over the talk, then they will not enjoy being children.
If the child sits quietly in a corner of the house, then the family will think that he may have been spotted or possessed by a jinn, so our child does not speak. And does not run away.
Children have such qualities, but some have less and some have more. Some of the children’s contradictions are harmless (ie without any harm). They should be met but their every contradiction should not be met because if the parents complete their every contradiction then they will become accustomed to it and their It will become the mind of God that if we speak with dignity then our work is not done and if we do this then our work is done. If the children are unjustifiably stubborn, they should be made to breathe daily by reciting Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Naas once and for all with the first and last Durood-e-Sharif.

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